Charlie Collins is show in this picture at the back of the load of logs on a wagon drawn by a team of horses. Fred Cully is standing on the tongue. This photo was taken at Charlie's mill at the dam, west of the school.
Peter Stoutenburg, Tom White and Wilfred Wilson at Tom White's farm. A team of horses hauling logs to a mill on winter sled.
Clara Short, Agnes Collins and her sons Gordon and Aubrey at the flume. The flume stretched from the Kolapore dam to the sawmill owned by Charlie Collins.
Charlie Collins and hired man Fred Cully at Charlie's mill. Charlie's sons Gordon and Aubrey sit on huge logs.
Team of grey horses with winter sleigh driven by Levi Dobson near his house on Bear Hill.
Willard Rorke (baby) and possibly Gertrude Rorke Diller. Willard is possibly in a christening gown.
Photo of Helen (left) and Marjorie (right) sent to their aunt, Gertrude. They were daughters of Mr. and Mrs John W. Lawr (Alice Rorke, daughter of Colonel and Mrs Edward Rorke.)
Willard Rorke, Gertrude Rorke and Elizabeth Rorke. Willard Rorke with his mum Gertrude who is holding Elizabeth (born June 17, 1946)
Elizabeth Rorke as an infant sitting in a chair. She would have been a year old when the photograph was taken.
Willard Rorke holding, his daughter, Elizabeth Rorke in the air.
Pearl Rorke, Virginia Rorke Mckim (1918 - July 16, 1998), and Libby Rorke. Pearl was a step-Grandmother to Libby Rorke, and a mother to Virginia Rorke Mckim. Virginia Rorke Mckim would have been an aunt to Libby.
This photograph is of First Nations Peoples of Fitzwilliam Island, Georgian Bay making blueberry jam.
This is a photograph of Edith Marsh 2 years before her death. This photograph was taken in 1958.
Photograph of skiers sitting on a horse drawn sled at Blue Mountains
Photograph of people skiing and taking a horse drawn sled up to Blue mountain, possible Grey rd 19.
Photograph of skiers outside Georgian Tavern, at Blue Mountain.
Photograph of skiers preparing to go down a hill at Blue Mountains.
Photograph of two skiers in a parking lot at Blue Mountain.
This photograph is possibly of Suyrea’s Kourey-Knapman's mother. The photograph was take in July of 1954 and most likely was taken at the Knapman's home in Toronto.